College’s Prince’s Trust Learners Are Visited By Celebrity Oritsé Williams
4 years ago

The College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London’s Prince’s Trust learners were visited by former member of JLS, Oritsé Williams last month (22 May) at the College’s Tottenham Centre. As an ambassador of The Prince’s Trust Oritsé wanted to visit the new recruits at beginning their twelve week programme and answer their questions and provide advice and guidance. Hello Magazine were also at the question and answer session to interview him on his role as an Ambassador for The Prince’s Trust and the imminent release of his new single, Waterline, for this week’s edition (26 May).

Oritsé, who became an Ambassador for The Prince’s Trust in January 2015, explained how his passion for the charity stemmed from being a young carer himself for his mother who suffers from multiple sclerosis. He explained “I’m really passionate about young carers; there are over 200,000 in the UK alone. I decided to produce a documentary about it to help get the message across. And that’s why I was chosen to become An Ambassador for The Prince’s Trust.”

The Prince’s Trust Team programme at the College is a 12 week development course which helps young people to develop the skills and confidence they need to move into work, education or training. Having just completed a residential week in Essex, nine learners attended a question and answer session with Oritsé. 19 year old learner Jake explained his frustrations with finding employment, “I signed up to The Prince’s Trust to try and open some doors. It’s easy for people to tell you to get a job but finding a job is the hard part. These days you need experience just to get experience.” Oritsé spoke about his own personal experiences and challenges; he said “Things that are worth doing won’t fall in to your lap. We all have to create our own opportunities and you being here on this programme is the first step.”

Joanne Watts, Assistant Team Leader for The Prince’s Trust Team programme said “It’s always fantastic when celebrity ambassadors meet young people on the programme face to face. Oritsé joined us in January and has met a number of young people who have completed the Team programme but he was really keen to meet the young people that are just starting out on their journey. They’ve just completed a week-long action-packed residential which was a great success and they are already developing key skills.”

If you would like to find out more about The Prince’s Trust programme please click here,


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