College Library And Sports Centre Launch Part Of £17million Plan
4 years ago

Over the last five years, the College has spent £17million at its Enfield Centre to build a new and fully refurbish existing buildings, providing a modern and first class teaching and learning facility for Enfield.

The completion of the Sports Centre is an important part of the College’s plan to become a Centre of Excellence for Sports in London. With large Academies in Basketball and Football - Netball, Women’s Football, Boxing and Tennis are rapidly developing at the same time.

Chair of Governors, Keith Brown talked through each part of the phased plan of building right up to the present day and most recent additions which are the new Library and Sports Centre.

Keith Said: “In five years we have created a welcoming and modern environment which is a lasting legacy for the people of Enfield.”

Nhamo Shire Chief Executive of Reach and Teach part of the London School of Basketball set up the Basketball Academy in partnership with the College.

He said: “Our work focuses on 16 – 18 year olds who love sport. Through basketball, they discover self-confidence and belief, self-discipline, which is crucial to their success and helps them to achieve well on their full time qualifications. We see the Basketball Academy here becoming a beacon for London.”

Lead by Coach and Commonwealth medallist Mike Martin; next year the Basketball Academy will play internationally in Europe with further plans to go to America.

Mequel de Sousa, Head of Academy Recruitment for Leyton Orient FC, said: “Joining the Football Academy helps young players to focus on their qualifications and career aspirations, which for the future may be university scholarships in America and or Australia, work in the wider sports industry and beyond.”

Launch delegates, who also included Marion Smith, Careers Advisor from Edmonton County school toured the Centre to see a poetry workshop led by Alan Murray of Enfield Poets in the Library and Basketball Skills demonstrated in the Sports Centre and Football Skills on the playing field.

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