College Learners Complete Biggest Ever Six Books Challenge
4 years ago

College learners started the national scheme to read six books in October 2014 and completed it this June. As part of the challenge, each reader was given a diary to write a short book review of the books they read. Principal Andy Forbes presented certificates and prizes to the students who completed the challenge at the awards ceremony. He said: “These sorts of projects are really important. There are learners from all different walks of life and they all seem to have thoroughly enjoyed it. For many of the students that have taken part English is their second language which adds another dimension to this challenge. It’s remarkable that not only have they taken in the challenge with such enthusiasm but that so many of them have chosen to take part this year, the highest numbers ever.”

Science Level 1 learners Aya Ibrahim said: “I didn’t think I could complete the challenge, six books in such a short space of time seemed like a lot but I loved it. I don’t usually read very much but doing it with my friends made it competitive and enjoyable. I’ve read books that I otherwise wouldn’t have considered even picking up and it’s definitely encouraged me to read more.”

As an extra incentive, learners who had completed the challenge were entered into a prize draw and five lucky winners were able to win a £15 book token. In addition the College is now being awarded a Silver award from the Reading Agency for successfully helping 100 students finish the challenge.

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