Careers, Training, & Unexpected Job Openings
4 years ago

Many careers have set paths when it comes to education and training. For example, if you study history you may well hope to one day get a job at a museum or archives office. Maybe you would hope to work in the heritage industry, but if you look past the history there are plenty of people at all of these places who aren’t historians, yet their input is equally important. They will include everyone from the cleaners to the accountants and managers, and from the person who serves tea in the café to the person who manages or handles the marketing and advertising budgets. This is just one example of how unexpected work opportunities can appear in different job sectors. However, to find these you may need to take your skills and think outside the box.

With Christmas on the way, the shops are full of festive goods all fighting to get your attention. It is a very busy time for retailers as shoppers flock to get their Christmas gifts, and with online retailers taking their cut from the traditional high street trade, competition for customers is fierce. You may have no desire to work in retail, but if you love shopping and have a flair for design you could use your skills as a window dresser, for example. Many big London shops spend big to create elaborate and enticing window displays, with designers coming in to provide a theme and oversee the creation of what they hope will be an eye-catching display. The same can be said, albeit on a smaller scale, in cities and towns up and down the country.

But what does this mean for you, as you think about what career you would like to follow, or just what courses or subjects you want to study?

The world of work can be a competitive place, especially when it comes to the more desirable or better-paid jobs, and the more obvious openings are likely to have plenty of competition. However, is there a way that you could use your skills in a less obvious role?

Like the design student who goes into retail or becomes a curator at their local museum, your training could be used in a number of jobs that you may not immediately think of. While you may think a car mechanic would usually work in a regular garage, mechanics are also needed in motor sport, movies, and pretty much anywhere else vehicles may be used! A plumbing or electrician’s apprenticeship, for example, will also teach you skills that may be needed in some unusual places.

When it comes to work, it is not just about what you do for a living, but also where you work. If your skills can be used to get you a chance to work in a field that you would love, then why not take the opportunity. Tradesmen with a love for history could work in the heritage industry, while hairdressers who love movies may look for work at a film studio.

When you think about what you want to do, what skills you have, and what training or studies you want to do – don’t be afraid to have a look outside the more obvious job openings. You may just find an unexpected route to your dream career.


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