Building Your Network To Access The Hidden Job Market
3 years ago

“Hidden? What? Why would a job market be hidden?”... Don’t worry, we know what you’re thinking. As unusual as it sounds, there is such a thing as a hidden job market. Read on to find out more about what this is and how you can access it.

It’s made up of all the job roles that don’t ever actually get advertised because employers use their network of job seekers to fill the positions. This could be their family, friends, people they have connected with online or people they are aware of because they have met them at networking events or even careers fairs. 

So, how can you access this hidden job market? The important thing is to be confident, know your worth to an employer and get your name out there! Make employers aware of who you are and what you are seeking. There are lots of different ways to do this, we have summarised our top methods below.

Firstly, create a LinkedIn account. LinkedIn is basically a professional version of Facebook and it’s a great place to meet hiring managers, business owners and potential employers. You can follow both company profiles and personal profiles on there. LinkedIn also has a job board that you can use to find opportunities.

Also, make sure you are attending networking events both virtually and in-person (when we can!). This is great for meeting new people, there are lots of “young professionals” type networking groups where you can meet like-minded people but there are also groups where you could be sat around a table with senior managers!

Some companies will have a talent bank, this is where they have a collection of CVs that they may look through BEFORE advertising a job. If you go to a company’s website, there may be an option to upload your CV to this talent bank. If it’s an employer you’d like to work for, give it a go - what have you got to lose?

The next thing to remember is to engage with your network. It’s all well and good connecting with the right people, but make sure you are liking their content, commenting and even messaging them when appropriate!

This leads me on to my last point, be confident enough to say “are you hiring?”. If you are really impressed with a company’s ethos and values, send their hiring manager or owner a message to ask if they have any vacancies. They might tell you about a job that hasn’t been advertised yet… Welcome to the hidden job market!

If you are looking to meet new people face to face then you will want to source your business cards.

To review jobs that are being advertised, click here to see current available opportunities.

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