Brexit & The Uk Job Market
4 years ago

What is Brexit?That’s a good question, and not many people are entirely sure what it means or how it will affect individuals. What we do know is that it has been two-and-a-half years since the initial vote and within that time period, there has been a lot of political unrest. Most peoples’ concern regards trade, relations and the economy but of course there are many factors that make up each of these concerns.How can we leave the EU as planned and allow the economy to thrive? Well, it is naïve to think that there won’t be some sort of hit on the economy, as well as trade and relations etc due to the nature of our departure. As we are seeing now, the pound is dropping in value as people prepare for the backlash. For young people, this is a time of worry and wonder as they look to their future and nothing is clear. They need options, paths and ways to work around potential problems regarding the UK infrastructure. Do young people know how to thrive under these current conditions? Absolutely not, I don’t think many of us do. Maybe it’s time to take note of apprenticeships, the impact they could have and explore different employment routes.How Does Brexit Affect Jobs in the UKIn truth, no-one is 100% sure how jobs will be affected. We have seen many large companies such as Panasonic moving their headquarters out of the UK in light of Brexit. This will obviously be detrimental to those British citizens working for these companies in the short term. There has been a massive hype that so many people will lose their jobs and the job market will crash… it’s impossible to predict something like that! It’s just too early to say for certain what will happen.Getting a Job During BrexitFor a lot of young people, getting a job during one of the most uncertain and unstable times this country has seen is their reality. We must help them make the right decisions as this will inevitably have a significant impact on our economy and employment rates in the wake of Brexit.Apprenticeships are an excellent option for young people and offer a different dynamic in the employment industry. The opportunity to learn and gain a qualification whilst acquiring experience and getting paid creates a more secure environment for a young person. Getting thrown into a full-time job in the wake of Brexit could be daunting whereas a young person in these uncertain economic and political times needs security and trust. Apprenticeships and other early careers such as traineeships allow the young person to develop their work personality and experience. This enables them to establish themselves before moving into full-time work where they are more attractive and valuable to the employer.Opportunities are rife throughout the apprenticeship sector with dozens of sectors available to choose from, meaning there is bound to be something for everyone. Within these sectors, there are multiple roles, giving depth to already extensive sectors. Whether your interest lie in construction or veterinary practices to finance, there is bound to be something that catches your eye, so have a look here!

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