An Apprenticeship – Your Best Way Of Entering The Working World
4 years ago

If you're just desperate to go straight into the world of work, hold your horses for a second: it's all very well being keen, but sometimes it's easy to be so enthusiastic about something that you tend to overlook those all-important little details.

And if you're overenthusiastic about your career choice, then you might regret making it further on down the line.

So perhaps you might want to slow down for a moment or two, and ease yourself gently into the career that appeals most to you - while getting the training you need, the qualifications your career requires and the work experience employers are looking for.

And no matter what career you have in mind, from accountancy to zoology (and anything and everything in between) the right way to test those working waters is by undertaking an apprenticeship.

And when you're taking your first few steps into the working world - while keeping an eye out for all those details you might not have even considered before - it's worth noting that in the vast majority of cases the training you're receiving during your apprenticeship comes completely free.

Plus, you'll get paid. Surveys show that apprentices can easily earn around £170 a week. As well as that, because apprentices are legally considered employees, they're entitled to all the rights and benefits enjoyed by their fellow workers.

But the benefits don't stop when your apprenticeship does. In fact, that may be when things really take off.

Think about it: if you're an employer and you've just trained an apprentice to do things the way they're done in your company ... and you've had the opportunity to discover just how keen and trustworthy that person is ... would you really want to go to all the expense - and risk - of recruiting a total stranger from outside, when you've already got your perfect new employee on your doorstep?

How much easier would it be for you to offer that successful apprentice a permanent position? It's very easy - and that's why so many businesses and organisations are doing just that!


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