Amazing New Website For Not Going To Uni
4 years ago

You know us at Not Going to Uni, we're not the sorts to blow our own trumpets for no reason. Thinking about it that's probably why we were asked to leave that orchestra. Anyway, we've only gone and COMPLETELY RE-BUILT THE NOT GOING TO UNI SITE FROM THE GROUND UP.


The key to the new-look website is that we spent a *long* time speaking to young people and employers to find out what you both wanted from the site. The result is a simple-to-use site that will connect you with the opportunities in a way that simply isn't possible anywhere else. We're proud as all heck to bring you the site you deserve and before we get to a Gwyneth Paltrow at the Oscarsmoment we'd love you to take a look and send us any feedback, if you spot things that you love, or bits you don't understand then get in touchand we'll sort it out.

BTW if you want to experience the full, awesome power of the new site then you need to sign up for a profile (click the button in the top right). It creates your own bespoke stream of opportunities that are delivereddirectly to you. Imagine lying back on a plush couch while someone feeds you the most delicious, hand-picked grapes. Well it's like that but with opportunities and not grapes. And there's no couch. You get the picture.


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