Accountancy - What You Need To Know
4 years ago

Areas of Work in theAccountancy ProfessionIf you have a specific passion in life, for example, fashion, film and TV, music, technology, sport; there are ways you can combine it with accountancy. One of the benefits of becoming a finance professional is that you can work in any company, industry and country that you want.Pretty much any company you can think of will have a team of accountants at the heart of its business; advising it and guiding it towards success – so if there is a particular brand you are passionate about, why not think about working in their finance team?Here are some frequently asked questions to help you get started.1.) What is an accountant/finance professional?Accountants play a fundamental role in running a business and making it a success, whether it is a multinational corporation or a small family-owned business. They have a thorough understanding of finance and perform accounting tasks for individuals or companies.2.) Do I need a degree to work in finance?No. Starting your career now means you can earn while you learn, which means you will earn a salary from day one whilst getting valuable business experience. You can achieve a number of qualifications on your path to becoming an ACCA member, including the Diploma in Accounting and Business, Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business, and the BSc degree in Applied Accounting.3.) What types of industries could I work in?As a finance professional, you could work in any of the following four sectors:Public Practice Sector
Many graduates looking for a job in finance begin their career in the public practice sector as it provides a solid foundation in accountancy. In this sector, organisations typically provide advice to individuals, businesses and governments and the services offered include audit, tax, insolvency, forensic accountancy and business support.Public Sector
Public sector accounting aims to find the most effective ways of spending public funds, and finance graduates are in high demand for these roles. In the Public Sector, you could work for the police, NHS, HM Treasury, or charities.Financial Services Sector
The financial services sector covers various topics, focusing on saving, protecting and generating income, and covers a range of products including private banking, insurance, pensions and investments.Corporate Sector
The name of the game in the corporate accounting sector is getting results. Financial and management accountants work in a company to increase effectiveness, to maximise profit for stakeholders, meet government and legislative financial requirements, and manage risk. This sector covers a vast range of industries, such as building and construction, energy and utilities, retail, manufacturing, IT and communications and the leisure industry.4.) How can I find a job in finance?Visit ACCA Careers (, ACCA’s official recruitment website. It is not just a job-site and offers CV tips, interview advice and shares what employers are looking for.5.) What can I expect to earn?In the Public Practice Sector you can expect to earn a starting salary of between £18-25K. In the Public Sector you could earn anywhere between £15-26K, in Financial Services in the realm of £18-25K, and in the Corporate Sector between £18-22K.6.) Am I able to progress in a company without a degree?Yes. If you have the ambition and determination to work hard and succeed, you can progress in any company by studying the ACCA Qualification straight from school or college. You can even gain your professional qualification faster than your friends who go to university, with the added bonus of being debt free.7.) How do I register onto the ACCA Qualification?Apply today What else can I do to find out more about a career in accountancy?Sign Up For Potential. Potential is a free electronic magazine full of ACCA tips and advice about a career in finance. It will keep you informed with ACCA news while you decide on your career options.Sign up today at

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