A Premier Choice
4 years ago

Over the last 15 years, the number of people going to university has skyrocketed. To many, it’s as if university is no longer just an option, but an obligatory part of education. However, with higher education fees now at eye-watering levels, and the job market still a tough place to be, it pays to look at the alternatives to attain the skills and knowledge needed to bag a great future career.

If you are interested in the health and fitness industry, Premier Training International is one such option that undecided potential students would be wise to consider. It’s a focused and straightforward alternative for school and college leavers, and those who want to change career (at any stage of their life). When placed in comparison with the practicalities of university, the plain facts make it a genuinely persuasive option.

For example, to become a fully-qualified personal trainer with Premier (via the company’s flagship Diploma):

-instead of three years theoretical study in a sports science degree, try six weeks vocational full-time tuition;

-instead of £27,000 fees, try £3,450, with funding available;

-instead of having to take practical qualifications upon graduation in addition to a degree, get both practical and theoretical training all in one.

This Diploma, or, to give it its full title, The Diploma in Fitness Instructing and Personal Training, will put graduates in the qualified position to choose if they want to set up their own PT business, or simply further explore their career options within the industry.

However, many young people who want to go to university straight from college (or after a gap year or two) crave the social experience of university; the feeling of learning alongside their peers. And yet, while this is certainly an extremely valuable part of being a student, the experience of having a learningcommunity, or a group with whom you can share the education, is equally prevalent on a Premier Training course. Just as they would at university, students learn with their fellows in an environment where discussion and debate is both progressive and encouraging. As a result students have the same opportunities to make and build lasting relationships and friendships fuelled by common interest.

Ultimately it’s about choosing the best option for you. For some, university is still the best environment in which to learn, but if you would like to develop a career in health and fitness, a Premier Training Diploma is a cost-effective, convenient and flexible alternative that puts students on a clear career pathway.

For more information about Premier Training International please visit http://www.premierglobal.co.uk/.


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