A Detailed Guide On How To Choose The Best-fitting University Of Your Choice
3 years ago

"As you sow, so shall you reap" The mentoring and tuning you receive during your student years determine the type of individual you grow up to be. It depends on the kind of people you hang out with, the sort of conversations you get to have, the exposure of opportunities you get and the open perspectives you gain. 

The university you study in has a big hand in determining your tangent in professional and personal life alike. And here we're with a step-by-step guide to help you choose the right university of your choice so that you move in the right direction.

  • Define your goals and priorities: You should determine what you want to achieve during your university experience. Also, you should consider your academic interests, career aspirations, desired location, campus culture, extracurricular activities, and any other factors that are important to you. Having clear goals and priorities will help you narrow down your options.
  • Research universities: You can gather information about different universities that align with your goals and priorities. Also, you can explore their academic programs, faculty, research opportunities, campus facilities, student support services, and alumni networks. Read university websites, brochures, and student reviews to gain insights into the university's strengths and reputation.
  • Consider the location and campus environment: You should consider the location where you would like to study. Do you prefer a bustling city or a quieter town? Consider the climate, proximity to the home and available amenities. Additionally, research the campus environment and student life to ensure it aligns with your interests and preferences.
  • Assess academic programs: You should look into the academic programs offered by universities. Evaluate their curriculum, course offerings, research opportunities, faculty expertise, and internship or co-op programs. Ensure that the university provides a strong academic foundation in your chosen field of study and offers opportunities for specialisation or interdisciplinary studies if desired.
  • Evaluate financial considerations: You must think about the cost of tuition, scholarships, financial aid options, and the overall affordability of attending the university. Also, you can evaluate your financial resources and determine if the university offers adequate support to meet your financial needs. Additionally, research opportunities for part-time jobs or internships can help offset expenses.
  • Visit campuses or attend virtual tours: Whenever possible, visit the campuses of your shortlisted universities or attend virtual tours. This will give you a firsthand experience of the campus atmosphere, facilities, and student life. Interact with current students, professors, and admissions staff to ask questions and gather more information.
  • Seek advice and guidance: You can talk to your teachers, school counsellors, and professionals in your field of interest. Seek their advice and ask for their perspectives on different universities. They can provide valuable insights based on their experience and knowledge.
  • Connect with current students and alumni: You should reach out to current students or alumni of the universities you are considering. Also, you can ask them about their experiences, the quality of education, career support, and overall satisfaction with the university. Their perspectives can provide valuable information to help you make an informed decision.
  • Trust your instincts: After gathering all the necessary information and considering various factors, trust your instincts. You should reflect on how you feel about each university and whether you can envision yourself thriving and growing in that environment. Listen to your gut feeling and choose the university that resonates with you the most.
  • Define your goals and priorities: You should determine what you want to achieve during your university experience. Also, you should consider your academic interests, career aspirations, desired location, campus culture, extracurricular activities, and any other factors that are important to you. Having clear goals and priorities will help you narrow down your options.
  • Research universities: You can gather information about different universities that align with your goals and priorities. Also, you can explore their academic programs, faculty, research opportunities, campus facilities, student support services, and alumni networks. Read university websites, brochures, and student reviews to gain insights into the university's strengths and reputation.
  • Consider the location and campus environment: You should consider the location where you would like to study. Do you prefer a bustling city or a quieter town? Consider the climate, proximity to the home and available amenities. Additionally, research the campus environment and student life to ensure it aligns with your interests and preferences.
  • Assess academic programs: You should look into the academic programs offered by universities. Evaluate their curriculum, course offerings, research opportunities, faculty expertise, and internship or co-op programs. Ensure that the university provides a strong academic foundation in your chosen field of study and offers opportunities for specialisation or interdisciplinary studies if desired.
  • Evaluate financial considerations: You must think about the cost of tuition, scholarships, financial aid options, and the overall affordability of attending the university. Also, you can evaluate your financial resources and determine if the university offers adequate support to meet your financial needs. Additionally, research opportunities for part-time jobs or internships can help offset expenses.
  • Visit campuses or attend virtual tours: Whenever possible, visit the campuses of your shortlisted universities or attend virtual tours. This will give you a firsthand experience of the campus atmosphere, facilities, and student life. Interact with current students, professors, and admissions staff to ask questions and gather more information.
  • Seek advice and guidance: You can talk to your teachers, school counsellors, and professionals in your field of interest. Seek their advice and ask for their perspectives on different universities. They can provide valuable insights based on their experience and knowledge.
  • Connect with current students and alumni: You should reach out to current students or alumni of the universities you are considering. Also, you can ask them about their experiences, the quality of education, career support, and overall satisfaction with the university. Their perspectives can provide valuable information to help you make an informed decision.
  • Trust your instincts: After gathering all the necessary information and considering various factors, trust your instincts. You should reflect on how you feel about each university and whether you can envision yourself thriving and growing in that environment. Listen to your gut feeling and choose the university that resonates with you the most.
  • Before you choose a University, you should shortlist a country according to your preferences of location, weather, career prospects, cost and comfort of student life. Often, while comparing different countries to pursue their dream, many students ignore their home country just for going overseas. You may miss out on other professional and personal opportunities if you do that. 

    So start with listing out the non-negotiable criteria for an ideal career and look for countries that can provide what you are searching for. Learn about the educational structure, the job satisfaction index and the industrial growth of different countries. Apart from building a solid resume, you also need a peaceful place to stay. So, don't forget to look into the economic and political scenario of the country. 


    If you know the discipline you want to specialise in, look for different Universities that offer the course. Look into the curriculum, learning objectives, projects, credits and teaching methods of the course. 

    Some courses might have more lectures, while some might have more on-hand sessions. In addition, the period, evaluation and grading of a course can change across Universities. 

    If you haven't decided on the field of study yet, research various options and check your aptitude and interest in them to trim it down to one course that serves your passion and supports your future career. Never settle for a University that offers a course you are less interested in just because of the international affiliation and ranking. 

    Since the deadline and method of application can vary from place to place, keep checking the websites of different Universities and apply well on time. Before you apply, spend an ample amount of time preparing a motivation letter, an updated resume and a statement of purpose (SOP). 

    These, along with a good recommendation letter, can increase your chances of admission. Learn about the eligibility criteria, including the grades, language test scores and academic background to apply for the selected course. 

    Check if you need to attend entrance exams or interviews apart from the online submission of the application. Some universities also provide merit-based scholarships for highly motivated students. Check the official websites for more details on financial aid. 

    Moving to another country costs a lot more than just the flight ticket and tuition fees. You need to keep aside funds for accommodation, kitchen supplies, commute, meals, monthly subscriptions, insurance and licences.

    Learn about the standard cost of living in the city, and plan out a budget. Look for ways to save and earn money. Actively search for scholarships that can support you with your tuition fees and the moving cost. 

    If you are ready to share an apartment with others, you can afford the best student rooms near Newcastle University and Leeds University. Check if you can afford the money to move and join the university of your choice. International students can do part-time jobs to support themselves in other countries, with an upper limit on working hours.


    At the end of the graduation, you don't wish to go back home to start from square one. Explore different job placements and internship opportunities accessible to the students. Look at the official website of the university to see the type of jobs former students are in. 

    Reach out to them through LinkedIn or other social media handles and inquire about the expectations, demands and satisfaction of different career paths. Location plays a role in the kind of job you would land upon. 

    For example, if the place is an industrial hub, there are more chances you would get into corporate jobs right after graduation. But if you are someone looking for history and art, you may want to go for a place more rich in stories.

    When you hail a foreign country, you need a nice place to stay. With the ratio of students hailing from foreign countries rising every year, you need to book yourself a comfortable pad to crash. 

    There are different kinds of student housing available for international students. The University dorms are shared halls where students can interact with each other and find a community in a new city. 

    For those who want to move in with their friends to a private studio, there are private studios near Glasgow University that offer company and privacy. The Purpose-built student accommodation in the UK has common areas for discussion and private rooms for comfortable living. You have the option to stay with a local family in the town, which helps you to explore the culture and the place more.

    As with any work, most parts of the results come from the research you do on it. So try to get as much data from all the reliable sources. Start with looking at the world rankings, certificate value and educational standards of the Universities you've shortlisted. 

    Be open to options and feedback. While doing so, enquire about the support networks present on campus and the treatment of international students. Take advice from your teachers, peers and seniors in deciding the study destination that suits you best. 

    You need to have a proper work-life balance and a supportive environment.

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