5 Creepy Jobs For Hallowe’en
4 years ago

Since it’s Hallowe’en we thought it was only right that we took a look at some of the creepiest careers going. These jobs aren’t for the faint-hearted as they may see the normal office worker drop their coffee and run in fear at the sight of anything from corpses to dead animals and dangerous and creepy places. We have also included the salary details for each role so if you fancy a creepy career and have the necessary skills you can see what you might expect to earn!

  • Coroner
  • Annual Salary: £83,000+

    You may be a fan of crime shows, but could you actually handle examining a murder scene? If you find the sight of that left-over sandwich in the office fridge stomach-turning then this may not be for you. However, in this profession you may be called upon to look over a crime scene to determine time and cause of death as well as providing important evidence for murder cases. For this one, you will need to look to do some further education, but the rewards are clear with an estimated annual salary of over £80,000!

  • Funeral Director
  • Annual Salary: £15,000+

    If you are a fan of the quiet life, you might consider this chilling career. While working with the dead may sound creepy, a lot of the job is actually focused on the living. To be a good funeral director you need to be kind and empathetic when dealing with grief-stricken friends and relatives. It is as much a balance between being serious and being understanding as it is actually dealing with the dead.

  • Demolitions Operative
  • Annual Salary: £17,000+

    If you want a truly terrifying job, then how about working in demolition. While the dead are actually very unlikely to rise up and cause a problem for a funeral director (see above), this job can be genuinely dangerous. You can be trained to work with hazardous materials, which can mean removing asbestos or even dealing with radioactive or nuclear waste! Forget the things that go bump in the night, this career is genuinely concerning!

  • Slaughterer / Meat Process Worker
  • Annual Salary: £12,500+

    If you eat meat, you have slaughterers and meat packers to thank for dealing with the ‘business end’ of this industry. Killing the animals, cleaning the carcasses and finally packing the meat for sale are all part of a day’s work for these employees. Often learning on-the-job, these roles will definitely require a strong stomach!

  • Gravedigger
  • Annual Salary: £11,000+

    Why not get outside in the fresh air, away from people (alive ones, anyway), and get a career as a gravedigger? While it is the lowest paid of all of our creepy jobs, you could say that the aging population means that this is a real ‘growth industry.’ Although that depends on what side of the shovel you are!

    While you may not be able to find all of these jobs where you live (if you would want to!) – you can still see plenty of great opportunities for work, study, training and more right here on NotGoingtoUni.

    Happy Hallowe’en!

    *All salaries courtesy National Careers Service


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