3 Companies Showcasing An Awesome Lgbtq+ Community
2 years ago

Let’s start with a key stat. According to a 2018 Stonewall report, ‘More than a third of LGBT staff (35 per cent) have hidden that they are LGBT at work for fear of discrimination.’ 

An outrageous finding in this day and age, but unfortunately a reality of modern life within the working world. Now more than ever being an inclusive company who celebrates the diversity of it’s staff has never been more important, and even though this stat might seem all doom and gloom, fear not! We at NGTU have definitely seen a positive shift in attitudes towards how vital it is to promote an open and nurturing environment for young people taking their next steps into higher education/employment. So, we’re here to say there is a beaming light at the end of the tunnel and there are amazing employers on your side with open arms ready to welcome you into their organisation and praise you for being your authentic self!

Our first and very special mention goes to, AstraZeneca. A household name, especially in more recent times due to the Covid-19 pandemic. They are a biopharmaceutical company who research and discover new medicines to improve the quality of our lives. AstraZeneca offer a range of opportunities for early careers in STEM and are arguably doing some of the most crucial work there is. They are the real deal when it comes to diversity & inclusion, as one of the founding partners of one of the UK’s biggest campaigning organisations for LGBTQ+ rights, Stonewall. They also launched AZPride, their global LGBTQIA+ Employee Resource Group (ERG), committed to affect change around employer policy, general visibility, and education regarding the LGBT+ community. If they aren’t shouting from the rooftop “we support and embrace all”, then we don’t know who are!

For our second feature, it has to be Unilever. Supplying us with so many of the brands we love like our Hellman’s mayo, Ben & Jerry’s Ice cream and even Liptons tea. But did you know aside from filling the majority of supermarket shelves, they are also one of the many organisations dedicated to equal and fair treatment for LGBT+ members within their workforce. In 2020, Alan Jope (Unilever CEO), signed the Declaration of Amsterdam – a global statement of support for LGBTQI+ rights. They are also partners of Open for Business, a group of global companies advocating the promotion of inclusivity within business and taking action against discriminatory policies. We have worked alongside Unilever for years, helping to share the news about their amazing opportunities for young people, so we knew they were forward thinking, but all of this is even further proof. We love to see it.

Lastly but certainly not least, one of the Big Four accountancy firms worldwide, we couldn’t leave EY off the list. They are giants of the corporate world offering professional services to huge firms. But, this doesn’t divert their determination to encourage a new generation changing the dialogue around inclusion. Financial services partner at EY, Peter Picton-Philips, founded a network within EY called Unity. aiming to create a safe space to educate and to create community. They also sponsor big Pride events around the world. This company showcases that being professional doesn’t mean stuffy and stagnant, but that true innovation comes from a diverse workforce who’s employees are made to feel supported and celebrated.

We couldn’t think of a better way to honour pride month than by mentioning the clients that we at NGTU are extremely proud to work with and hopefully encouraging you to shoot for the stars on our next career steps. These cool companies are showing us all how it’s done!

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