10 Best Careers For A Work Life Balance
4 years ago

Some people say there's no such thing as a work/life balance. There are, however, work/life choices.And your first choice is: what is your ideal life?Once you've defined that, then figuring out the perfect career to complement your ideal life is much easier. Here are ten fabulous careers with a great work/life balance to give you some ideas.

1 - If you’re a travel buff, how about joining an airline cabin crew? You'd get the opportunity to do a little exploring of your own during stopovers, plus there are some fabulous places airline staff know but will never, ever, tell passengers about. For more information, visit http://www.cabincrew.com

2 - If you'd rather go where all the tourists are already - and get paid to have fun in the sun as a holiday rep, check out http://www.careerintravel.co.uk/holiday-rep-careers.htm

3 – But perhaps you’d like to work abroad with the emphasis more on local history and culture than fun in the sun, in which case you should have a look at the world of working as a tour guidehttp://www.workingabroadmagazine.com/tag/tour-guide-jobs/

4 - Or even better, as a travel writer you'd get to go to visit all kinds of fabulous places around the world for free, and look around them before all the tourists get there. Then you get paid for writing about it! For lots of helpful tips, visit http://matadornetwork.com/notebook/how-to-become-a-travel-writer/

5 - Maybe you love travel and seriously loud music - in which case being part of a touring band's road crew gives you the best of both worlds. You can find out more about life on the road at http://livemusicbusiness.com/crew-resources/how-to-work-on-the-road-as-part-of-the-crew-touring-with-bands-short-version/

6 - On the other hand, if you prefer to take a tax-deductible taxi home at night, what's to stop you considering a career as a music journalist? More information at: http://www.mediauk.com/article/33328/how-to-get-into-music-journalism

7 - Music of any kind might be the food of love, but if you're more into the love of food then reviewing restaurants could make for an ideal work/life balance. Although it’s American-oriented, you’ll find a lot of very useful information about this career option at http://www.afjonline.com/FoodCriticsGuidelines.cfm

8 - Love books? Want to get paid to read them? Then maybe reviewing books would suit you down to the ground. Again, even though it’s for an American audience, there are many useful tips at http://freelancewrite.about.com/od/marketsandgenres/ss/Be-A-Book-Reviewer-In-6-Easy-Steps-For-Pay.htm

9 - And if you're less of a bookworm and more the sporty type, then what better way to balance work and life than a career instructing people in your favourite sport? You can learn more at http://www.sportscoachuk.org/

10 - But if you're really looking for travel and excitement throughout your working life, there's always a career in the armed forces to consider. For more information, visit www.army.mod.uk, www.royalnavy.mod.uk or www.raf.mod.uk

If you're still not sure or you're looking for all the latest opportunities then take a look at www.notgoingtouni.co.uk


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