Youth Unemployment Stats To Shock You
4 years ago

Yeesh, statistics aren't exactly an easy sell. After all, who cares about pie charts and percentages? Well, according to the following images: you should. We shamelessly pinched them from Jon Henley's excellent article documenting the scourge of youth unemployment across Europe. The essence of the article is that Europe is currently producing an entire generation of extremely well-educated but ultimately unemployed young people.

The reasons why they remain unemployed range from the current economic climate, to a reluctance for older people to retire, but by far the biggest issue is that governments keep pushing degrees as the answer, when seemingly all it does is create young people with massive debts. Interestingly, there was another Guardian piece (we do read other papers as well, but The Star didn't have much of interest today...) about what changes need to be made to correct all this.Mind you, at least in Britain we're not quite at the levels of youth unemployment in Greece or Spain:

If you're still making your mind up about exactly what you want to do after you leave school or college then take a look at the charts above and get your stats up-to-date.


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