Shall I Quit University And Do An Apprenticeship?
4 years ago

If you have just started at university and you’re finding the first term unbearable. Should you quit university and do an apprenticeship?For many people who go off to university full time. The first term is incredibly hard. They miss their family and friends, they’re stressed about the amount of and level of work at university, they perhaps aren’t eating as well as they should be and maybe, they’re drinking a little too much.For some other young people, the problem is course related. Perhaps the course that they are enrolled on is not what you were expecting? Perhaps you’ve decided that actually you hate the subject area that you have chosen. The important thing to remember is that it is better to tackle the problem now rather than wait it out, say nothing and hope for the best. Make an appointment with your tutor or the head of department as soon as you can. It may be that you are able to switch courses and this will solve the problem, or it might be that dropping out of uni actually is the right choice for you and an apprenticeship might be the best route for you to achieve your career goals.You can do an apprenticeship in so many industry and subject areas now – the choice really is huge. You can do an animal care apprenticeship and begin your career as a zookeeper , an apprenticeship in accounting or an apprenticeship which enables you to work with children to name but a few.Most young people struggle with the problem of knowing what they want to do in the future and many make the wrong choice initially. It’s important that you understand your options and whether an apprenticeship or university is the right way for you to gain entry into your future career.If you truly are struggling with your first term at university, the only choice isn’t to drop out. It might be that you have just arrived without having given proper consideration to how much work you have to do; in which case it’s time to re-evaluate and perhaps get some study support.However, if you really do decide that you have made the wrong choice and that you are going to quit university and do an apprenticeship then get yourself online and find out your options.

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