I Want To Be An Apprentice
4 years ago

Many large employers run apprenticeship programmes.You can search for opportunities on our live search page but equally, if you want to work as an apprentice for a particular company and you’re not sure that they offer apprenticeships, check with them directly and maybe even suggest that they offer one. Alternatively, ask at school or visit your local FE College to check what apprenticeships they offer and search the apprenticeships.org website for providers offering apprenticeshipsAn apprenticeship is a job and just like any regular, full-time job you will need to sell yourself to the employer to get accepted, and there will be competition for places on the more popular apprenticeships. Whatever the apprenticeship, you should find out as much as you can about the company and the role you want to apply for.Print off copies of any information that will help with your application - this could include your C.V. and any information about the apprenticeship itself. Once armed with this information, you will be ready to sell yourself to the employer.Explain in your application why you want to work for the company, and how your skills will suit the role you are applying for. Don’t be tempted to use the same application for each apprenticeship you apply for, but tailor your application to each one. Your application needs to be easy to read and to the point. You will want to show that you are the right person for the job. Use the apprenticeship summary to see what the provider wants, and show how you match the criteria.Talk about your strengths and what you will bring to the job. You may be asked to say which skills you would like to improve – rather than showing weakness you can show a willingness to improve your existing skills.You may also be asked about your interests and hobbies. This allows you to show a little bit of your personality. Don’t lie and try to make yourself sound more exciting – chances are, you’ll get found out at interview.Think about what the employer wants from an apprentice - show that you are dedicated, hard-working, and willing to learn. An employer will be investing their time and money into your training - show them why they should invest in you!Once you have written your application, check it over for spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Don’t rely on your computer to do this, but get someone to make sure everything is fine. Also, check your social media and make sure there is nothing embarrassing on there – the employer may look you up online too!The final step, as with a regular job application, is the interview. Wear formal business clothes. Even if you feel over-dressed, it is better than looking scruffy. You only get one chance to make a first impression – so make it count.

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