Cambridge Tv And The Student Sitcom
4 years ago

Not so humble ambitions for York graduates

Theatre Studies graduates Andy Lake and Christian Smith (class of 2014) were once stars of York Student TV with their sitcom ‘Humble Pie’. Now they’re back for another bite and filming more episodes with ambitions of reaching a much larger internet audience.

Andy and Christian originally wrote their 6 episode series while still at Hills Road Sixth Form in Cambridge and filmed the pilot episode in 2012 as students at York University. When it was posted on the York Student TV website, the sitcom attracted 1,000 views in the first 24 hours.

Andy comments “we became overnight sensations – and it’s taken us around three years to follow up on that!” Christian adds, “we really wanted to revisit our characters and storylines and make sure they reached a wider audience. It seems that now is the right time to do that”.

“We actually wrote it before we went to university and it was weirdly like a premonition. It’s the story of two best friends who embark on the journey of going to uni together” says Andy.

This time around, Humble Pie was filmed by students at Cambridge TV School – a new venture that offers hands on courses in all aspects of TV Production. Tutor Carl Homer comments “We were delighted to help out with Humble Pie and our students got another real-life project to work on. Our aim is for all of our students to gain broadcast credits for their projects.”

Andy and Christian hope to see the show broadcast on the new Cambridge TV channel in the near future and online. “Because it’s about university life, it is quite appealing as a webisode format; but if the BBC came along, we wouldn’t turn them away! Because it will eventually be broadcast on Cambridge TV, it will reach a much bigger audience than the ones we were used to getting for theatre. Apart from everything else, it’s so much easier to get it out there.”


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