Terri-anne Morgan
10 years ago

"I have really enjoyed meeting new people and learning new things about working life"

Terri-Anne Mogan has just completed her level 2 apprenticeship in Business Administration with Skills for Growth. Here Terri-Anne tells us of her reasons for doing an Apprenticeship and her hopes for the future.

I was very keen to go straight into work and start earning money. I didn’t do very well in school and decided further education was not for me. I figured the apprenticeship programme could give me the qualification I needed to go far in what I wanted to do which was Admin.

Skills for Growth

Being in a work environment as well as my one day a week training class has been in my eyes the best form of education. I have enjoyed being part of a team whilst learning and building up my knowledge and confidence.

I would strongly recommend doing an apprenticeship. I think if you do an apprenticeship you have to try to be as open minded as possible and understand the importance of having a job and that it is not to be taken for granted as it is really hard to find a job once out of placement.

I hope to complete my level 3 and move on to be very successful. In the far future I would like to be a manager or maybe even have my own business.

I am excited to progress further and learn more in the business and admin area. I am grateful to have the opportunity to do this and will work very hard in it.

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