Royal Air Force Cyberspace Communications Specialist
7 years ago

Kellie - Cyberspace Communications Specialist

My Role

I am currently a Ground Support Systems administrator, responsible for maintaining the Engineering Support Systems and Mission Support Systems network and equipment around the station. I chose to do an Advanced Apprenticeship in IT Software, Web and Telecoms with the RAF because it isa secure job with guaranteed pay at the end of the month, even whilst I was learning. My job has also given me the opportunity to travel to different places around the world that I might not have done in a civilian job, from the USA to Asia to the Middle East.Day to day I work shifts which are a week of ‘earlies’ and a week of ‘lates’. Every other week I have a 3 day weekend which allows me to spend more time with my family at home.

My Life in the RAF

There are lots of opportunities for adventurous training in the RAF, I went on a 1 week long skiing expedition to Germany, all paid for by the RAF. Also, I have been mountain biking in Sherwood Forest, mountain climbing, mountain biking and river walking in Wales.

My best experience and greatest challenge so far, would have to be graduating from both Phase 1 and Phase 2 of training. I feel I’ve made my parents really proud; they have always been supportive, from taking me to my local AFCO for interviews, to being there as I paraded on the final day of my Basic Training at RAF Halton.

I would recommend the RAF to anyone who would like a secure job, the potential to travel around the world and to get paid whilst they learn their trade.

Steven – Cyberspace Communications Specialist

My Role

My current job role as an Cyberspace communications Specialist is an Administrator for Ground Support Systems (GSS). This involves maintaining the network for the Engineering Support System. At the same time I am studying an NVQ Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship for IT Software, Web and Telecoms Professionals. Doing an apprenticeship with the RAF gave me the opportunity to acquire a skill set and trade, as well as being able to apply the new knowledge practically as I learnt, getting paid to learn also attracted me. The potential for travel with this role is exciting too, and anywhere engineering support is required for the Typhoon aircraft, a GSS server and administration team are required, which could mean me!

My Life in the RAF

Life in the RAF is much better compared to my experiences before joining, the work environment is good and there are always opportunities to further develop myself. The ability to work shifts in this job gives me the ability to do things on and off station in my spare time, as well as travel home regularly and see my family. During Phase 2 training we spent 1 week at an adventure training centre in Wales where we took part in mountain biking, caving and hill walking around the Welsh countryside.

I made sure I thoroughly researched the career I was entering before I applied. Joining the RAF has given me the opportunity to enjoy training for a job I previously had no experience of, a secure salary and a future to work towards. My greatest moment so far has to be graduating from both phases of training and doing adventure training in Wales. I am still very early on in my career, and I plan to complete my 12 years and see what opportunities appear down the line.

For the prospects of being paid to learn a trade, have a secure job and have opportunities to travel, I would definitely recommend a career in the RAF.

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