Rosie Taylor
1 year ago

"Everyday is a school day and I love learning about the sport, which has now become a passion of mine"

What does a normal working day for you involve?

I’m a Group Marketing Executive so everyday is different! It is a fast-paced environment with so much going on each day. From design briefs, social media schedules, website updates or campaign launches – plus, there’s the reactive social media on racedays too! The marketing team work together to deliver marketing plans for our racedays and events, it’s a massive team effort but so rewarding to see each campaign come to life.

Why did you choose this career?

When I studied Business at college, I had an interest in Marketing, I planned to do it full time at University and even applied and was set to go to Uni, then Uttoxeter Racecourse gave me the opportunity to do a degree apprenticeship and this felt like great option. The racecourse funded my degree apprenticeship, plus it combines studying with working – the best of both worlds.

How did you start out in the industry?

I started working as a casual member of staff from the age of 16 on racedays in the restaurant while I was still at school and through collage. From then on I worked my way up and in September 2018 started working full time to complete my degree apprenticeship. Once I completed this I was promoted to Marketing Executive – my current role.

What is the best part of your job?

Definitely the racedays! I love being involved in the day itself after all the prep we have done on the run up to it. It’s great to capture images throughout the day too, whether it’s of the public cheering or owners and trainers getting excited when their horses win, the atmosphere is fantastic.

What is the most challenging part of your job?

As I said it is very fast paced, this is sometimes challenging as we have limited time to get things done however it makes the days fly by!

What one piece of advice would you give to someone seeking a career in your sector/industry?

Go for it! I had zero knowledge of horseracing before I started at the racecourse and I am still learning now! Everyday is a school day and I love learning about the sport, which has now become a passion of mine.

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