My Apprenticeship Journey - Tom Flannery Engineering Apprentice
5 years ago

We caught up with Tom, a first year track apprentice, to find out what he's been involved in during his first year on the engineering apprenticeship scheme.

What kind of skills have you developed whilst being on the scheme?

"Communication is vital when it comes to the safety of passengers and workers of the railway so being an apprentice with Network Rail has really improved my communication skills whether it be talking to my colleagues, or supporting customers".

What challenges have you faced and how did you overcome these?

"Initially I struggled with the higher level of responsibility but sought advice and guidance from my team. The support I've had from my colleagues has been outstanding and it has really built my confidence. I feel really valued as part of a supportive team".

What do you think the scheme offers that no other does?

"It gives you the opportunity to take on responsibility in a big company who are responsible for the safety of millions of people every year. The development opportunities are endless".

What advice would you give to someone who is considering applying for the scheme?

"I would say that it's a lifelong career choice which I'm glad I made. There will always be a railway in the country which will always need maintaining and improving. It's silly not to apply if the railway interests you! Network Rail is a rewarding place to work. You are treated with respect, no matter how much experience you have".

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