Crystal Old - Chef
9 years ago

Crystal, aged 18, was named HIT Training’s Apprentice of the Year (2014) for the South of England after beating off stiff competition from more than 100 fellow apprentices in the region, and was praised for her amazing perseverance, dedication and performance.

Now working on her Professional Cookery Advanced Apprenticeship at the Yalbury Cottage Hotel & Restaurant in Dorchester - which was voted Best Small Hotel in Britain in the Good Hotel Guide 2015 - Crystal has high hopes of becoming a fully qualified chef.

"The experience I’ve gained in the catering world so far has been really eye-opening and has encouraged me to work even harder as there are so many talented chefs out there,” said Crystal. “I’m so pleased I’ve found a career that suits my skills and brings out the best in me. My passion for creating great food is growing all the time and the new skills I’ve learned have given me more confidence in my own cooking abilities.

“With HIT’s help I’ve learnt so much already and this has given me the motivation to continue learning so that I can fulfil my ambitions of becoming a successful chef in this excellent industry.”

“Crystal has achieved so much over the last 12 months alone and has really shown an amazing amount of commitment to her training, which has been demonstrated in the workplace,” said Alison Salmon, HIT area manager for Dorset. “Despite being so young she’s got a smart head on her shoulders and she’s shown incredible determination to succeed. We’re certainly confident that she’s got a great future ahead of her.”

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