Be Wiser Apprentice Questions - Paige Hollis
9 years ago


Paige Hollis

Job Title

SureStart College Leaver Programme



Where do you live?


What school/college did you attend?

Costello Technology College (School)

Queen Marys College, Basingstoke

Why did you decided to do an apprenticeship?

I knew the apprenticeship would offer me the opportunity to gain lots of qualifications and saw it as a good career path to gain experience within the Insurance Industry.

Why did you choose Be Wiser?

I found Be Wiser whilst job searching online. I did some research into the company and saw it as a new and exciting challenge! The fact that Be Wiser offer Apprenticeships and other training programmes was also another benefit that I saw with choosing Be Wiser.

If you had not done an apprenticeship with BW, what would have been the alternative/were you considering another career?

I was considering getting into the Law Industry

What qualifications did you have before starting your apprenticeship?

Before starting the Apprenticeship, I had studied at QMC for two years and gained A Levels in Business, English and Philosophy.

What do you like the most about your apprenticeship?

The progression and development opportunities within the company that will be available because of doing the Apprenticeship.

Once you have completed your apprenticeship what are you career plans?

I would like to progress in to a management role, and has an interest in Human Resources and may look to pursue that in the future.

What advice would you give someone that maybe considering an apprenticeship?

The Apprenticeship is a great way to kick start your career and get your foot in the door with a business without necessarily having all the skills and knowledge to begin with as this can all be learnt on the job.

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