Young People Most Likely To Lie On Cv
4 years ago

A new survey from the Department of Work and Pensions has pointed the finger at young workers as the most likely to lie on their CVs, with young people twice as likely to lie on their CV as over 55s.

In their defence a lot of young people - and school leavers in particular - feel like they're caught in a vicious circle. Companies won't give young people a chance without experience and they can't build up the experience because they haven't been given the chance! The only bit of good news is that young people are at least in good company, as over a quarter of Brits (27%) lie on their CV.

The general trend seems to be moving towards a more dishonest workforce as employees try and emphasise their employability in the face of a tough job market and CV checking companies have reported a rise in the incidents of job applicants bending the truth.

In the battle of the sexes, women at least seem to be more honest than men, with 22% of women saying that they would fib on an application, as opposed to 30% of men.

CV expert and career coach Corinne Mills said that regardless of whether you're a man or woman, honesty is the best policy. "Lying on your CV is a very unwise move. Most people are honest but those who bend the truth simply need to get better at showing how their genuine skills and experience are an asset to future employers." In line with that Corinne put together 5 tips for CV success:

  1. Relevance: Select skills, experience and personal qualities that match what the employer is looking for rather than including everything you've ever done.
  2. Evidence: Provide detailed examples and achievements to prove your abilities rather than just listing your job duties.
  3. Accuracy: Ensure spelling and grammar is perfect and all factual information correct.
  4. Looking good: Your CV needs to be clearly laid out and well-presented to create a positive and professional impression.
  5. Second opinion: It's hard to be objective about your own CV so ask someone else to check it over for you as they can often see things that you can't.

If you're struggling to think of what you should put on your CV for a job then you should post your problems in the Advice Centre and let us help!


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