Work For Free At Poundland?  Hardly The Ideal Career Choice For A Graduate
4 years ago

You might remember the story of Cait Reilly who, last year, took the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to court over the work scheme that forced her to give up her voluntary work at a local museum and work instead - unpaid - in a local branch of Poundland.

Under the "sector-based work academy" scheme, Cait found herself stacking shelves and cleaning floors, under threat of losing her jobseeker's allowance payments.

Today, the Court of Appeal upheld her claim that what the DWP had done was unlawful.

And this looks likely to open up a rather large can of worms, because according to her solicitors, the ruling means “all those people who have been sanctioned by having their jobseekers' allowance withdrawn for non-compliance with the back-to-work schemes affected will be entitled to reclaim their benefits”.

Now, how many people that's going to be remains to be seen, but it's pretty certain that Cait's not the only person this has happened to.

What's interesting, though, is that many MPs have some sort of legal background, and yet none of them seems to have stood up at the onset and questioned why this kind of policy should be put into law in the first place. After all, Poundland and other businesses taking advantage of this work scheme make plenty of money already - without having to take on unpaid employees.

But then again, staffing costs were always going to eat into annual profits, weren't they? The word "shareholder" comes to mind, but we can't imagine why.

However ...

Cait's happy, but Minister for Employment, Mark Hoban, says the government is "disappointed and surprised at the court's decision. We do not agree with the court's judgment and are seeking permission to appeal, but new regulations will be tabled to avoid any uncertainty."

So that sort of clears things up, then.

And as for Cait? She's working part time in a supermarket - and getting paid for it.

But it still makes us wonder whether, like too few graduates these days, whether Cait's ever going to find the graduate position she spent so long (and so much) preparing for.


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