Why Wait? Chasing Your Dream…
4 years ago

If you have a dream for what you want to do for a living, then why wait in working to make it a reality? Whether you want to become a Hollywood star, plumber, veterinary surgeon, or any other job you can think of, you should start thinking about how you can start working towards your dream today. However, you might wonder, how are you supposed to work towards a career that you currently lack the qualifications for? Surely it should be one step at a time, get the exam results and then apply for the job, right?

Not always!

Wherever you are in your journey towards your dream career, there will be something that you can do to help yourself get there faster, or be prepared to take the opportunity when it arrives. In fact, in more competitive fields it can be the difference between success and failure to achieve your goals.

Generally-speaking, those who ‘make it’ have spent lots of time and effort in making it happen. Whether that involves studying a particular subject, building up skills, gaining knowledge, practicing a talent or ability, or a mixture of all these (and more!).

There is no such thing as an ‘overnight success’ – as everyone will have a story to tell of how they achieved their goals. This will often include some failure along the way, but aside from resilience, the most important aspect is actually doing something!

There are a lot of people who only dream of reaching their goals. To make them happen, you need to get to work, so why not do something today?

If you need a certain qualification to land your dream job, there is nothing stopping you from finding out more about the job in the meantime. Doing some research and reading about your dream career is better than doing nothing. Getting information about your destination will make your arrival smoother.

Of course, if you can somehow get some work experience this will pay you back in the long-run. There is no replacement for genuine experience in not only helping you learn, but allowing you to make some useful contacts, and make yourself more attractive to future employers. You will also get the chance to see if your dream career is all you imagined it to be!

Obviously, getting work experience is dependent on what your dream goal is. You might be able to get some part-time work in a museum, for example, but might struggle to find a brain surgeon who is willing to let you ‘have a go!’

Even those areas that require specialist knowledge, skills, and qualifications are not without hope. There is a wealth of information out there about any job you may wish to pursue, so at least get yourself up to speed with what qualifications you will need to get where you want to go!

Also, don’t just look at the obvious routes. For example, you no longer have to go to university to get into law, as there are apprenticeship routes opening up that offer training, qualifications, a wage, and real work experience – without the fees!

Whatever it is you want to do, there should be something that you can get on with to help you move closer to your dream – so what are you waiting for?


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