Why I Left College For An Apprenticeship
4 years ago

QA Apprentice Shivan Fatania talks about why he chose to do anIT Systems & Networking apprenticeshipwithQAinstead of continuing at college.

I am now 5 months in to my apprenticeship and honestly I wish I had done it sooner!

“Experience that I just wasn’t getting at college”

Shivan FataniaFor me I grew up intending to go to school, then college, and then onto university. This very common path hid away other opportunities like apprenticeships, which can give young, motivated individuals like me a great kick start into the outside world.

Once I learnt about apprenticeships in year 11 I gave myself a plan; to start learning two trades. I chose electrics andIT. Doing electrics in college made me realise that I was missing out on gaining trade experience. I found college and electrics wasn’t for me so I moved straight onto IT. This was the biggest dilemma for me, it was either college then uni or go straight into a careerwith an apprenticeship. I did my research; looking online, speaking to career advisers, looking at what IT job descriptions require. All this helped me pick the best option, every job description I saw required that all important experience that I just wasn’t getting at college. That key requirement made up my mind; an apprenticeship was the best choice for me.

“Before I knew it I was employed with several career paths opened up to me”

In almost every apprenticeship search I madeQA Apprenticeshipscame up. This sounded very promising, so I applied, received a reply within a few days and an interview within a week! Before I knew it I was employed with several career paths opened up to me. I am now in better position than people searching for a jobwith just college qualifications.

During these past few months I can feel my skills developing rapidly and motivation pushing me to reach beyond my aspirations. I’d recommend QA to anyone.

QA offer apprenticeships to develop your career with known employers, having this on your cv will give you huge advantage and boost in your career. Overall experience is the main requirement that employers looks for.

Please visit the QA website now and apply!

QA Apprenticeships have 100s of tech, digital and IT apprenticeships hiring right now across the UK.Click here to search apprenticeship jobs near your postcode.


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