Where Next For Apprenticeships Policy In England?
4 years ago

Where next for apprenticeships policy in England? CPD Certified eventWEDNESDAY, 22NDFEBRUARY 2017CENTRAL LONDONGuest of Honour: Senior speaker confirmed from the Department for EducationAs Government works towards meeting its commitment to create three million apprenticeships by the end of the Parliament, this conference will discuss the future for this area of policy in England.

Discussion will be informed by the findings from theinquiryon apprenticeships, currently being undertaken by the Sub-Committee on Education, Skills and the Economy, and of the National Audit Officereport, which found that the Government has not set out how it will use this increase in apprenticeship numbers to deliver improvement in productivity.

Delegates will consider the further action that can be taken to improve the quality of apprenticeships, following concerns expressed by stakeholders andOfsted, as well as the key priorities for the new Institute for Apprenticeships, which will regulate apprenticeships and ensure that standards respond to the changing needs of business.

Further sessions will consider key challenges surrounding apprenticeship funding, ahead of the introduction of theApprenticeship Levyin April 2017, and the next steps that can be taken to change the culture and prestige of apprenticeships in England, and build on the‘Get in, go far’campaign.

The conference will bring together policymakers with key stakeholders, including employers, school and FE college leaders, independent training providers, local authorities, trade and industry associations, academics and others with an interest in this important area of policy.

We are delighted to be able to include in this seminar keynote addresses fromMark Dawe, Chief Executive, Association of Employment and Learning Providers and senior speakers confirmed from theNational Audit Officeand theDepartment for Education.

Further confirmed speakers includeStephen Evans, Chief Executive, Learning and Work Institute;Professor Alison Fuller, Professor of Vocational Education and Work, Institute of Education, University College London; Seamus Nevin, Head of Employment and Skills Policy, IoD;Dr Sue Pember, Director of Policy and External Relations, HOLEX and an apprentice ambassador fromYouth Employment UK.

Lord Aberdare, Vice Chair, All-Party Parliamentary Group for Apprenticeships has kindly agreed to chair a session at the conference.

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