Wait! You Don’t Have To Go Back To School…
4 years ago

How to Stay in Education Without Being Stuck in a ClassroomSo you have a plan in your head. Everything’s in place. You get your results, go back to your course after the summer, sit down and then it hits you – something doesn’t feel right. You’re in the wrong place. You’re wasting your time. You wish there was another way other than school or college, but there isn’t – or is there?Don’t worry. There is a way that you can stay in education,withoutbeing stuck in a classroom all the time, and you can even earn up to £250 per week for doing it!The Path to SuccessThere is no singleroute to success. You don’t necessarily need to have A Levels or a degree to get to where you want to be – if you have the talent, drive, passion, and skills to make a serious impact on your industry then there are all sorts of ways to enter your chosen career.Research all of the different ways into your chosen career.
Do you want to work at a certain company? If so, a job in a different department may help you make the right connections.
Create a portfolio of your skills and contact the people in charge for work experience opportunities.
Exploreapprenticeshipsand internships in your chosen subject, and look at organisations that can provide you with theright training for your needs.
Explore Your OptionsYou may have been so set on one career path that you may not have noticed the other options available to you in the same industry. Get in touch with a careers advisor and talk about the many different branches available to you to get the job you want.The apprenticeship route is morepopular than ever, especially in the technology sector, allowing people to learn on the job as well as earn money doing something they love. Everyone knows that you now have to stay in educationuntil you’re 18 years old – but that doesn’t mean just school, a QA Apprenticeship alsocounts.What’s Best for You?Dropping out of schoolor college certainly isn’t the end of your career – in fact it could turn out to be the best thing you ever do. More and more school leavers are choosing tech & IT apprenticeships with QA – and there’s good reason for it too!
You earn up to£250per week (instead of £0at school!)
You getfreeMicrosoft certified training(what employers really want)
94%of QA Apprentices go on tofull-time jobs(more than Oxford grads with Firsts!)
There arehundredsof the best tech employers in the UK looking for enthusiastic school leavers and job seekers like you right now! You can even search for ones near your postcodeusing ourIT Job board.It’s certainly a brave choice to make, and if your instinct is telling you school or college is wrong, then an apprenticeship, or another option may suit you better. After all, Simon Cowell, Alan Sugar, Richard Branson, and Heston Blumenthal didn’t do too well at school.We reckon they’ve turned out just fine…

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