Tv & Radio Opportunities - For You!
4 years ago

We've just received news that Channel 4 and BBC Radio 4 are both looking for YOU to get involved in programmes...Channel 4 - How the Other Half Live

Following the success of the first series on Channel 4, we are now looking for wealthy families to take part in the second series.As explained below, the programme looks at two families in theUKwho are living at opposite ends of the economic spectrum, and explores how they can benefit each others lives through help and support and getting to know each other. Each programme focuses on two families,withat least one child aged 8-12 years, from different backgrounds, observing their lifestyles as seen through the eyes of their children.

The programmes aim is to highlight the issues surrounding child poverty in theUK, and as such we are looking for wealthy families that would be happy to sponsor a family that is facing such hardship. As with the first series we hope that when the families meet they will forge genuine relationships, through which they can explore their different viewpoints and experiences. Moreover, by having the opportunity to make family visits to another family's home, the children will have an opportunity to make friends with children from different economic, social or cultural backgrounds and who, under normal circumstances, they would be unlikely to meet and befriend. Our aim is to present a fair and balanced view of each family's experience, in the hope of breaking down cultural and economic stereotypes.

Fundamentally, this is a family project in which, by exploring family life through the eyes of the children, we will give those children a voice. We had had great feedback from the wealthy families who took part in last series who all felt it was an invaluable learning experience for their children. In terms of the filming itself, each crew is very small and our aim is always to undertake filming in a relaxed and unobtrusive manner.

With our previous series, we took advice from various charities including Save the Children and therefore feel it is very important to highlight our experience and understanding of the issues involved in working in this area. Unfortunately as is typical in television - our deadlines are very tight and we are therefore really hoping to find families to take part as soon as possible. If you feel you or someone you may know may be interested in being involved in our programme, or indeed would simply like to hear more about what we are doing, please feel free to contact me (Jo) on 0207 013 4149 / 0207 013 4149.

You can also read about the series on the Save the Children website:

BBC Radio 4 - PM programme

We are putting together a discussion featuring young people, aged between 15 and 23 (not set in stone, that's just a rough age span) looking at how young peoples' perspectives have changed during the recession. We'd like to ask whether they feel they have been cheated of the bright future promised by the baby boomer generation. Has the belief that hard work, good grades and a degree equal a good career been totally shattered? Have they had to compromise on their aspirations when faced with the grim reality of the current job market? How has their attitude to money changed and are they likely to be more sensible than their parents?

It seems the burden of this recession, in particular unemployment, is falling disproportionately on the young. With that in mind, do young people feel angry towards politicians/bankers for having created this mess?

We'd like to talk to as wide a range of people as possible, including those who decided to forego university and enter the job market, people who went and got a degree that they now feel won't help them get a job, as well as teenagers who are weighing up their options. The discussion would be for the PM programme on Friday 23rd October and we can record it any time from about 1130 am (although the afternoon is usually preferable). You can be based anywhere in the UK and would only have to get to your nearest BBC studio (there's one in every major town in the UK) so no need to get to London or anything like that!


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