Top Engineering Degree Place For College Learner Alimi
4 years ago

Alimi was originally offered a place to study Mechanical Engineering at Bristol University but opted for Bradford University instead as they offered help with his fees. Alimi will complete his degree in four years, spending one year in a paid industrial placement.

Alimi said of his time at the College: “The best thing about the College for me is the one to one teaching style. Even though there were a lot of students in my class my tutors always made time for me and tailored my learning to suit me as an individual.” He continued: “My aim is to work for Rolls Royce on aircraft engines.”

Course tutor Shreeniwas Varma said of Alimi: “When he first started on the Access to Engineering course he seemed quiet and under-confident. Just a year later, he is brimming with confidence and he has a great future ahead of him in Engineering.”

Jane O’Neill Interim Principal and Chief Executive said: “The College is one of the few in the country to offer such a high quality Access to Engineering course leading to great university degrees and well paid careers in industry. I am delighted by Alimi’s achievements and I wish him every success at university.”

If you are interested in joining our Access to Engineering come in to enrol now at our Tottenham Centre. You can find out more about the course and entry criteria by clicking on this link.


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