The Skills Employers Are Really Looking For
3 years ago

Every employer puts the main skillset required for the job in their job description, but there are some skills that they want all job seekers to have, regardless of the role. Sometimes, employers feel they do not need to put these in the description, they presume that job seekers will already know what soft skills are required. However, this isn’t always the case. If you’re unsure, this blog will help.

Here are the top skills that all employers will value, no matter what industry they are in or they are recruiting for.

All employers will expect a level of reliability, they want to know that they can depend on their staff, knowing that you will turn up on time, give your best to the company, can listen to instructions and act on them accordingly. All these things can sometimes go for granted, as humans, we often expect this level of respect and professionalism from peers without realising. 

Companies will often expect the same so it is good to ensure you have this skill “in your locker” - you probably already do if you have been attending college or sixth form, worked in a group project where you rely on one another or have additional responsibilities like being a young carer.

Communication is another key skill to have, even if the job role you are applying for has no customer facing requirement, being able to communicate internally within your team is just as important. Communication can be in many forms such as face to face, over the phone or via email/social media. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to the different forms of communication allows you to be open and honest with the employer so they know how you communicate best. 

Self management is the ability to regulate your emotions, behaviours, speech and thoughts in different situations. I’m sure we can all agree that some of the things you say to your friends, you wouldn’t say to your parents. This is the same at work, you need to know when it is appropriate to use a certain language and when it is not. 

Regulating your emotions is also important, how do you react under pressure? Can you stay calm or do you panic? This is a key skill for an employer but, if you have a mental health diagnosis that means regulating emotion is difficult for you, be open with the employer! They can only support you if they know what you are facing.

This is a simple one but you’d be surprised how many people do not know how to do basic things like send an email or access word documents… Basic IT is so important when moving into the workplace. Some companies will have bespoke systems, which they will provide full training on, but for some operating systems like outlook, word and excel, they will expect you to have a basic understanding and knowledge.

If you feel your IT skills could do with a boost, contact your local college/training provider to see what IT based training they offer. 

Teamwork… A skill that is so commonly used, it is also commonly forgotten! Any task inside or outside of a lesson that has required you to work with another person is an example of a teamwork activity. Based on that, I’m sure you all have fantastic teamwork skills! An employer will want to know about these, so if they ask you for your skills or strengths in an interview, this is a good one to go for. Click here to read more on interviews.

Lastly, having a sufficient level of organisation will be really beneficial to an employer, and yourself in the workplace. Being able to prioritise your work, meet deadlines and keep on top of your workload will help you to reduce stress levels, support your team and also enjoy your working days… Which is the most important thing of all!

We hope you have found this blog post useful, good luck in your job search. Remember, you can use our job search tool to find opportunities to apply for.

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