Students Declare Summer School A Success
4 years ago


Students declare Cambridge TV Summer School a Success

A brand new venture into teaching television production skills in Cambridge has been voted a success by Summer School students.

Cambridge TV School, which launched earlier this year, organised the 6-week Summer School to give 18-24 year olds a taste of life on a TV channel. During that time, they have produced several short films including the Mitcham’s Corner mannequins, food banks, the British Antarctic Survey and Acoustic Fiver at The Junction.

Summer School students include a current undergraduate from Cambridge University and one from the University of East Anglia, as well as recent graduates and students who have been working in television production companies and want to develop their skills further.

Joe Marshall (21) from London, who will be returning to his course in History at Emmanuel College in September, said “The course has been great. I’ve been given the opportunity to make and edit my own films from day one which is something I’d never have got through work experience or a different kind of course.”

Home-schooled Elliott Edwards (18), from Bridgnorth, had already posted his own short films on YouTube before joining the course. “I’m keen to get into television as soon as I can so this was a great way to gain more experience and build up a portfolio to show potential employers”.

Bob Coates, Director at Cambridge TV School commented, “The Summer School has been invaluable in proving that our concept of teaching students ‘on the job’, while they are actually making programmes for broadcast, works extremely well. We’re very excited about doing this on a larger scale when we launch our one year course in October, in partnership with the Cambridge TV channel.”

Carl Homer, Principal Tutor at Cambridge TV School added, “We have been deliberately selective in the students we’ve taken on and that approach will continue. Of the 40 people who applied, we chose only 7 because they demonstrated the kind of attitude and commitment you need to make your way in this very demanding industry.”

Cambridge TV School are currently recruiting for their intensive one-year course in TV production and places are limited to 45 students. Find out more at


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