See A Positive Future In The Motor Industry
4 years ago

So many new and exciting things are happening in the motor industry right now. New technology is taking vehicles further than ever before – are you ready to be part of it?

Go Go New Gadgets

The age of driverless cars and intelligent speed adaption is not quite upon us but it is getting there quite seriously. If you have a good grasp of new technology, would like a job that you have to be on top of the latest digital developments and love your gadgets then working in the motor industry is the career for you.

There is a great demand for skilled professionals to join the next motor industry generation, keeping up to date with the latest technological developments.

Start now and be ahead of the game

Lots of investment is happening at the moment with car manufacturers looking for the next best thing to impress the market. The next possible vehicle addition could be Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), cars talking intelligently to each other about traffic flow and speeds on the roads to reduce bottlenecks in certain areas. There are also online tools out there that companies are investing in to support people with areas such as looking for motor trade insurance options.

By getting qualified now, just when this new technology is being introduced, you will be in a better place to gain the knowledge you need to be able to advance quickly in this new digital environment.

IMI offer over 250 qualifications which are distributed through over 600 centres in the UK and overseas. These are offered from entry level right up to Level 4 in a wide range of routes. See more on our website at

Fantastic Interactive Learning Tools

Today, there are advanced tools to make the learning journey fun and interesting for students. These new facilities include central online data storage for single organisations, interactive learning portals and the opportunity for students to learn at their own pace.

IMI offer an online motor careers website called Autocity. This site is dedicated to answering all of the questions you may have about the motor industry and offers some really fantastic tools to help you make the important decisions that you are pondering.

Content includes the World of Work resource, accessible via, which assists you in finding your career path and provides feedback from people already in motor industry roles. There is also the latest industry news, help when choosing work experience, videos, forums and discussions along with careers advice plus much more. Visit to see what is available now. For details of the exciting opportunities apprenticeship vacancies available, visit

So, if having read this you have been inspired to begin a career in the motor industry and want any further information, visit or call us on 01992 511521.


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