Record Number Of Apprenticeships Started
4 years ago

A record total of 234,000 people started apprenticeships last year according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS). 126,900 people completed apprenticeships within the same period (academic year) which was the largest number of apprenticeship scheme completions and starts.

Skills Minister Kevin Brennan heaped praise on the apprenticeship initiatives, saying they gave people the chance of a better future. "It's great news that the number of people starting and completing an apprenticeship is at the highest ever, and that over a million people have taken a course to improve their literacy and numeracy skills this year," he said. "Behind these figures are real people with brighter futures, greater self-confidence and better career prospects ahead. "We need to keep on helping people access the training and skills they need to get work and to get on at work, and to be able to seize the opportunities that growth will bring."


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