Q&a With Charlotte Campbell, Degree Apprentice At Premier Foods
4 years ago

Charlotte Campbell is one of the current apprentices at Premier Foods, based at the company’s R&D centre in Worksop. She is studying a Level 6 degree apprentice programme in Advanced Food & Drink Engineering at the University of Lincoln. Previously a technical apprentice at
Liberty Steel, Charlotte has found that moving from one industry to another has been possible because of the amount of on-the-job training offered by the programme, and the high number of transferable skills she has picked up along the way. Here, Charlotte gives us a few insights on why she enjoys being an apprentice.

Why did you decide to pursue an apprenticeship?

I have known for a long time that I wanted a career in engineering, and when I saw the position with Premier Foods I was really excited. I am very passionate about cooking and had some prior engineering experience, so this role combined the two perfectly. An apprenticeship appealed to me as I wanted to carry on working in the engineering industry, but I wanted a degree in order to progress my career further. It also allows you to apply the theory of what you learn at university to the workplace. I receive dedicated hours to study during work time which is really useful as degrees do take up a lot of your time.

What has been the main positive of your experience to date?

Everybody has been so welcoming and made me feel very comfortable when I joined. When a company has a good apprenticeship scheme it really shows, as the right support networks are in place to help you progress. Also, the rest of the team know how to work with you to get the most out of the role.

How has Covid-19 presented any particular challenges to you?

It has been harder to get to know everybody on site as there is a rota in place. However, that has also meant that it has been less overwhelming as I haven’t met everybody all at once, which definitely helps with remembering names!

What are the key attributes you think apprentices need?

A passion for both their role and the industry in which the company operates. For me, my interest and passion in food and processes has been simply invaluable.

To find more roles like Charlottes then take a look through the opportunities available on the Not Going To Uni site.  You can also take a read of another Premier Foods apprentices blog from Toby Harris-Layne who gives his Top Tips for Apprentices.

By Charlotte Campbell, creative solutions and process degree apprentice at Premier Foods

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