Not Going To University Guide Out Next Week!
4 years ago

While university is a perfectly valid option for many, the huge increase in tuition fees has left a lot of people worrying about how they can progress on their chosen path without incurring a massive debt. At we know that there are lots of ways to achieve career success which won’t cost you a penny, you can take a debt free degree or even get paid while you are working toward your qualification, but where can you get unbiased information on the full range of options?

In the Guide To Not Going To University we provide invaluable advice for students, parents and career advisors who are trying to make sense of the maze of options for those finishing school or college. We cover the full range of opportunities that exist outside of the traditional university route including apprenticeships, sponsored degrees, distance learning and getting a job in addition to providing information on what the different qualifications are and explaining progression routes.

The book doesn’t just tell you what your options are, it also shows you how to work out which route to take and guides you through the process, so whether you are already interested in an alternative to university or you would just like some more information on the different ways you could achieve your career goals this is a great place to start.

The guide is available to buy on Amazon.


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