Not Going To Uni?  Try The Training Room Instead
4 years ago

University isn’t for everyone and with rising costs and no guarantee of jobs upon graduation, many school and college leavers are considering other options.

Students with an interest and aptitude in sport and fitness should consider qualifying as a personal trainer to give an excellent foundation on which to build a career in the fitness and leisure industry.

Great choice for students

The Training Room personal trainer academy has an excellent track record training school and college leavers with 69.5% of all its trainees under the age of 25. There is a slight peak in younger students in September and October but every month of the year sees a high proportion of under 25s studying and qualifying as they take advantage of the chance to enrol every six weeks throughout the year.

Ben Goss, 20, joined The Training Room straight from sixth form in September 2011

Ben has always had a flair for fitness and was actively interested in the subject at school. He studied GCSE PE and A Level PE and spent plenty of time in the gym. Ben didn’t like the idea of going to university and was worried about the debt he’d run up. A local gym was seeking staff and advised Ben that if he gained a Level 3 personal trainer qualification he would be considered for the job.

Ben opted for the e-Learning course at The Training Room as that suited his lifestyle. “I really liked the home study option as I was already used to independent studying from my A Level courses and was happy with the idea of e-learning and using the technology to research, learn, submit work and receive support and comments from my online tutor,” says Ben. “The course was quite intense but my A Level PE gave me a distinct advantage!”

Ben started his e-learning course in September 2011 and qualified as a personal trainer in January 2012 and walked straight into the gym job.

Finding work

The Training Room guarantees graduates immediate placements at the end of their courses. It works closely with a wide range of fitness facilities, gyms and clubs – including Virgin Active, David Lloyd, Esporta, De Vere,/Greens, LA Fitness/JJB, PureGym, Fitness First and Mark Warner Holidays (for overseas placements) – and its graduates are highly regarded by these employers.

Getting started

Signing up is simple: students simply call 0800 028 4162 for a brief pre-selection phone interview. This important process helps The Training Room ascertain applicants have the right skills, attributes and potential to succeed as a personal trainer. Once selected, they are assigned a full, part-time or e-learning place and their training can begin at their nearest academy.


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