No Confidence In Ofqual
4 years ago

Not surprisingly, students have lost all confidence in Ofqual, the exam watchdog after this summer's movement of the GCSE English goalposts, according to a Labour MP.

Scunthorpe MP Nic Dakin - coincidentally, a former teacher - says thousands of students will now miss out on studying for further qualifications.

He also says that pupils should not fail exams because of a government drive to skew the grade boundaries in an attempt to make exams more rigorous.

Education Secretary Michael Gove should step in and order Ofqual to reverse its original decisions, he says.

At a debate in Westminster Hall, Dakin said: "I think it is very clear that there is no confidence in Ofqual, no confidence at all and that lack of confidence is coming from educational professionals, from people working in industry and business, and most importantly parents and students themselves.

"They have failed that crucial test.

"This matters because GCSE English is a progression qualification and makes a difference to individuals' lives, what they do next, where they go next.

"We have a duty to young people that these assessments at 16 are fair and what is clear is that they have not been fair.

"Schools are very good at self-evaluation but this episode has undermined their confidence in what they are doing. Their confidence in teaching GCSE English has also been undermined. There is a lack of confidence about how they are preparing this year's cohort for next year's exams.

"The impact of this year's cock-up is not only being felt by this year's students but also next year's students."

And even Ofqual has admitted the whole fiasco has had a "serious impact on perceptions of fairness".

However, why Ofqual felt it necessary to add that it was important to note that "there has been no political interference" remains to be seen.


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