Making I.t. Happen
4 years ago

I.T. is everywhere these days, but you don’t have to be some sort of computer programming wizard to make it in the world of Information technology. In fact, you are probably already up to speed with a lot of the I.T. skills that are used in the workplace every day.

Sure, you may need some extra training if you wanted to do something more specialised with your I.T. skills, but many jobs have a level of I.T. that you may well already be familiar with. If you can use common programs like Word and Excel, you will already be off to a good start. Of course, some workplaces have their own systems and databases that you may need to get to know, but you are likely to be trained on any specialist systems once you are employed.

I.T. is used in a wide range of jobs today, from accounting to marketing, and sales to customer service. Much of this may be data entry and updating computer systems with information. For example, if you work in customer services, you may be required to enter some notes against a customer’s account to reflect how you dealt with their query, and to provide a record for the next person to use should that customer call again.

Typing is a necessary skill in many workplaces today, and while touch typing is not necessary for many roles it is still a useful skill to have. That said, at the very least it is worth knowing your way around a keyboard, so that you are not spending time looking for a particular button!

I.T. doesn’t just cover computer systems but can also include understanding and managing social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. More companies are seeking people with a knowledge in this area to help look after their customer or client outreach. With companies having a much more direct profile and interaction with the public via social media, this is an area that looks set to keep growing.

Outside of this there may also be hardware related roles which will require you to know how to use other technology such as projectors, cameras, microphones, printers, photocopiers, and more. These items may be common in your workplace, especially in an office environment, so knowing how to use them will put you in good stead.

Fortunately, most workplace I.T. is fairly basic and should be easy to pick up with a few pointers from a colleague or boss. However, there may be instances where a deeper knowledge is required, in which case you may need to look to enrol on a more formal course of I.T. training. This can be achieved in the evenings or on the weekend, or alternatively, your workplace may offer in-house training for employees.

Whatever your level, there is every chance that you will be expected to have at least a basic level of I.T. in the modern workplace – including data entry, sending and receiving email, and other such activities. Luckily, these skills are becoming part of the everyday world, so chances are you will already have a decent knowledge of many of the basic requirements.

Being able to demonstrate I.T. skills will certainly give you an extra boost when it comes to finding work – whether it is a full-time job, or even just a part-time role to give you some money while you study.


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