Make The Most Of Your First Term
4 years ago

Whether you have just embarked on a vocational course or whether you’re tackling A-levels, it’s a great idea to start strong.Getting organisedIt’s a good idea to get organised with notepads, folders, textbooks and pens right away. Get a folder and a notepad for each subject if you’re studying A-levels and one for each unit of your vocational qualification.Once you are told which textbooks you need – don’t hang around; go and get them. Homework will often be set from these or you will at least need to read chapters in order to complete homework tasks. Think of this as a work skill – it’s about being committed and organised and not trying to simply cut corners.Academic diariesIf your school or college doesn’t provide you with a diary to organise your work – get yourself one or download an app that does the same job. Deadlines are deadlines – they are not some kind of flexible, movable beast start as you mean to go on; it’s easy to fall behind – not so easy to catch up again.Free periodsIt’s a bad name I know – some places prefer to call them study periods. Whatever they are called though – make sure that you make the most of them. It’s about efficiency more than anything; think of it this way – if you can get all your homework and recapping done whilst you’re at school or college then when the day is over – you get to go home and relax.Sitting with your friendsHaving friends at school or college is great – however, try not to fall into the trap of sitting with your friends in class – unless of course they are the kind of friend that pushes you to work really hard and do well. If they’re not – ditch them in the classroom (in the nicest possible way). The study that you are doing now is for YOUR future. One thing is certain –if you don’t give it your best shot, you will regret it.

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