Landing Your Dream Job
4 years ago

Do you have an idea of what your dream job would be? It may be something that you have always dreamt of doing, or it may be an idea that has only come to you recently. If you put the wages aside for moment, chances are, your dream job is something that you are actually interested in doing. It could be a hobby that you would like to turn into a career, or maybe just a role that genuinely interests you. But how do you actually go about making that dream job into a reality? First up, so long as your dream job actually exists, it stands to reason that someone has to get paid to do it, right? So, why shouldn’t it be you?

Researching The Role

Before you get ready to apply for your dream role, you will need to do some research into the job itself. It is important to make sure that your dream job is all you expect it to be. Remember that jobs change over time with, for example, advances in technology, new responsibilities, and a changing marketplace. It is always worth doing a little extra research to make sure the job is what you expect it to be. If you can, speak to someone who is already doing the job you desire to get the inside line on what the job is all about. If you don’t know anyone personally, perhaps you could do some research online, or even use a social media platform like LinkedIn to connect with someone. Of course, if you do decide to use social media, make sure that your own online accounts are not going to show you up. Alternatively, you might be able to speak with a careers advisor or even speak with a relevant recruitment agency who may be able to tell you more.

Skills & Qualifications

Once you have an idea that your dream job is what you hoped it would be, it is time to work out how you can get it. This means checking out what skills and qualifications you will need for the job. Again, you can find these out from careers advisors, recruitment agencies, and by doing your research. We may be able to offer you some careers advice right here in our advice centre. Don’t forget that there is usually more than one way to get into any given career with many roles that were previously only accessible via university now open as apprenticeships. It is always worth checking out ALL of your options to see which suits you best. Maybe you feel like the academic university route will work for you, but you might also decide to look for an apprenticeship – allowing you to get started right away, gain work experience as you train, get paid, and avoid having to pay any tuition fees! Whatever route you choose, you need to be honest with yourself when it comes to working out what skills and qualifications you do and do not have. You might be able to kid yourself that you are ready to do your dream job, but you may find it harder to convince an employer!

Outside Factors

There may also be other, outside factors to consider before you get your dream job. Will you have to move to a new location to find the right type of opportunities, will you have to accept a drop in salary as you work your way up (in which case you could save some money now)? You will need to think about these type of things in order to make your dream career a success too.

Show Your Passion

As well as getting the right skills, you should make sure to show your passion for the career you want to have. Look for ways in which you can demonstrate your dedication. Is your dream career something that ties in with a hobby that you enjoy in your spare time? Could you land an internship or get some work experience?

Getting involved as soon as you can and showing your dedication and passion will only make you look better to prospective employers – plus you may even make some useful contacts along the way.

Stay Focused

There will be those who doubt your dedication. Some may even say that it is unrealistic to even think you could land your dream job and that you should just settle for something else instead. However, if you have done your research and know the steps you need to take to get the skills and qualifications you need, then you should know how to get to your dream career. Stay focused on your goal and don’t let other people’s hang-ups and insecurities affect you. You may even find it useful to find a mentor who can support your journey and keep you focused and motivated.


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