It Apprenticeships Offered In Birmingham And West Midlands
4 years ago

Recently, there’s been a skills deficit in junior software developers, making the graduate marketplace intensely competitive in that area.

Computer giant Capgemini doesn't want to get into yet another battle with rivals for skilled graduates, so they're taking on a hundred apprentices, with the first intake this March.

Their apprenticeship scheme is planned to help the company train and nurture its own software developers.

So instead of trolling round job fairs and universities, trying to persuade students on the verge of graduating that Capgemini is the place for them to be - that's if they can make themselves heard over the voices of every other computer company doing exactly the same thing - Capgemini is adopting an "if we build it, they will come" philosophy when it comes to new recruits.

And what are Capgemini building? Well, they're offering an eighteen-month advanced apprenticeship programme for young people aged sixteen and over, if they've got good GCSEs.

They're also offering a five year higher apprenticeship programme for people aged eighteen and over if they've got two A-levels, which can lead to a BSc (Hons) in computing and IT practice.

And to top it all off, Capgemini are shouldering all the costs of tuition – as well as paying apprentices a pro-rata rate of £10,000 a year for the first three months of their training, which rises to £14,500 for advanced apprentices and £16,000 for those on the higher apprenticeship scheme.

Both IT apprenticeship programmes include a twelve-week residential course at the Capgemini National Apprentices Training Centre, to be followed by training in the workplaces as apprentices join more senior employees as they take on client projects.

Apart from the age and exam result aspect, are Capgemini looking for anyone in particular?

Head of Fresher Recruitment, Brian Sinclair, says: "We're looking for a passion in IT, whether it is from academic studies like GCSEs or A-levels or something the applicant is focused on part-time as a hobby. It has to be someone who is really interested in the world of technology."

"It's good to work with team players, people who have good communication skills, a lot of potential and interests and raw ability so that we can train them to be a proper IT professional in a short space of time."

If that describes you, well … what are you waiting for? Go for it!


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