Increasingly Popular Actuarial Career Route
4 years ago

The UK Graduate Careers Survey 2018, produced by High Fliers Research, is the largest annual survey of final year students at the UK’s leading universities.

In the report, actuarial work has risen by 9.1% compared to the same time last year. It is within the top three professions which has had an influx of applications from ‘transport and logistics’ and ‘technology’.

Students taking part in the survey were also asked about their personal and business skills developed during their time at university that are likely to be important to graduate employers. Results from the research show that most finalists are quite positive about the skills they have to offer. Over a third described their ability to work well in a team as ‘excellent’, more than a quarter thought they had strong communication skills, and around a fifth rated their personal confidence highly, or believed they had excellent leadership skills and effective time management.

Other key findings from the report include:

  • 58% of the class of 2018 were female students – noticeably higher proportion of final year students than men
  • By the start of the final year, 75% of students were looking for a graduate job – a third more than a decade ago
  • 28% of finalists expect to begin a graduate job straight after their degree, the highest level since 2001
  • The number of finalists intending to do a postgraduate course after their degree has risen to 27%, the highest level recorded by The Graduate Careers Survey
  • After last year’s dip in confidence in the graduate job market following the UK’s vote to leave the European Union, the class of 2018 are more upbeat about their employment prospects and few finalists think the opportunities for new graduates will be limited
  • London continues to be the most popular destination for new graduates and is the first choice for finalists at 26 out of the 30 universities included in the survey
  • University career services were a key focal point for job hunting and careers activities on campus – both of which were used by a record 97% of final year students
  • Employers’ graduate websites continue to be a highly valued source of information for student hunters and is used by 77% of finalists during their careers research
  • PwC was the graduate ‘employer choice’ for actuarial work and consulting.

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