How To Prepare For An Interview
2 years ago

Congratulations! You’ve been successful in the application process and have been selected for an interview. We’ve put together some useful hints and tips to help you prepare for your interview and make a good first impression.

Do your research

it is important to do your research on the organisation you have applied to prior to any interview. Visit their website where you will find a lot of information about the organisation, or if possible, visit a local store or branch to familiarise yourself with the environment. Make notes and have them to hand during the interview. It’s okay to refer to them during the interview, should you need too.

Plan your travel

Make sure you check the time of the interview, and you know the names of the people you are meeting. It is good practice to attempt the route at a similar time of day to ensure you know how long the journey will take you, and account for any traffic or public transport timings. On the day, allow plenty of time for travel – you don’t want to risk being late and flustered when you arrive.

Prepare and rehearse

It is always worth planning and preparing some examples of relevant experience or your reasons for applying for the role. Think about how you will respond to the more popular interview questions. As you are interviewing for an apprenticeship it is likely that you will be asked about transferable skills such as organisation, attention to detail or customer service.

What to wear for your interview

Keep it smart and professional, yet comfortable.

Pay attention to body language

You will want to build a personal connection with the interviewer, so maintain good eye contact and keep an open posture. Avoid crossing you arms and try to relax into the setting.


Speak slowly and clearly, this will help you keep any potential nerves in check and your answers clear and concise. Perhaps write talking points on post-it notes to avoid shuffling papers during the interview and have a glass of water to hand. Always remember to thank your interviewer for their time at the end.

Ask Questions

Remember it’s a two-way process so it’s important for you to identify if Howdens is the right fit for you too. Think about any relevant questions you wish to ask. If you are asked a question which you don’t understand, or it is unclear, don’t panic, ask for clarification. Use your time to show us your passion and motivations.

Good Luck – we hope these tips help you sail through your interview!

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