First Day At Work? What To Take With You…
4 years ago

Whether you are starting an apprenticeship or a brand-new job, you will want to make the right impression on your first day. Of course, this means being polite, turning up on time, and making sure you dress that part – but what things should you take with you on your first day at work?

The first thing you will need to do is check any paperwork that you have been sent by your new employer – such as your job offer. This may give you a list of things that you need to bring with you on your first day. However, don’t forget the following:

  • Documentation

Outside of any specific job-related items you may need, you will usually be asked to take in a few documents. These will often be needed in order to get you set up on the payroll system and may include your passport, National Insurance card, driving license, proof of address, a UK Visa (if necessary), and a P45.

You may not have, or even need all of these items, and don’t worry if you can’t find them right away, your work will be able to wait. They will also let you know exactly what you need. You can always email or telephone your employer a few days before you are due to start the job, just to check if there is anything they need you to bring along – but do check any official letters they may have sent you first – as the information is often on there!

While your employer will wait, you may as well turn up prepared if you can and get yourself set up at work as soon as possible (especially if pay-day is close!).

  • Stuff For Work?

Your employer will usually provide everything you need in order to do your job, but you might want to bring along a notebook and pen (or two). This is so that you can write things down and make notes about things you want or need to remember. There might be a lot to take in on your first day. You might also want to take a light, smart folder with you. You can not only store any documents you are bringing with you in there (see above), but you can also use it to hold any papers or documents you might be given by your employer.

  • Extra Essentials

There are also a few essentials that you will want to remember to bring along with you too. These will include any medicines you normally need (such as an asthma inhaler or anti-histamines if you get hayfever or allergies). Of course, don’t forget your lip balm, tissues, or mints if these are things you normally carry.

However, outside of this you will definitely want to take some money with you. You may get invited out for lunch, and you will want to make sure you can afford to pay your way or, if lunch is bought for you, offer to buy someone a drink in return. Basically, it is always better to have some money with you than not.

You will also want to take your mobile phone with you. Don’t have it switched on (or at least have it on silent) and keep it away in your bag or pocket. You want to be paying attention to your first day rather than your mum saying ‘good luck’ and then asking you how it is going every three minutes!

Finally, make sure you take your house keys and any travel cards you need – it’s always worth making sure you can get home and in at the end of the day!

Of course, if you are still looking for work you can check out some vacancies by location and job sector, right here on NotGoingtoUni. Alternatively, if you want to look into taking an apprenticeship we have plenty of advice on in our blogs, and you can see what apprenticeships are currently on offer right here.


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