Designing For Your Future
4 years ago

When someone says the word ‘design,’ you may immediately think of things like designer labels in fashion, or interior design. These areas of design are highlighted on TV and in the media, but there are so many other areas where design skills are needed. In fact, everything around you was designed in some way, from the computer or device you are looking at now, to the clothes you are wearing, and this website itself. Outside of this are other specialist areas, such as vehicle or garden design, where you will need some special knowledge (or cars or plants!) in order to compete. With so much design around, it may make sense to get involved, but how do you go about doing that?

The first step is deciding what sort of design you are interested in. As you can imagine, there is a marked difference between designing a computer game and designing someone’s home! Of course, there are some areas of study which offer a little more leeway on which way you head, with a graphic design course being a great example.

You could study Graphic Design in a number of ways, including a degree or a diploma but they should both teach you the commercial use of design, as well as how you can apply the skills across a variety of media and areas.

Alternatively, you may wish to specialise in a certain area of design, such as fashion or textiles. These areas come with their own set of skills which you can learn with a specialised course. However, you can also learn these specialised skills alongside a more traditional graphic design course, allowing you to gain the skills of both areas at once. If you are not certain of which way to go, or want a back-up plan, then this may be a good idea for you, but what does it take to be a good designer?

All design requires a certain amount of creative flair, so will suit those with a slightly more artistic side. However, you will also have to be able to follow instructions and work to a remit. You will be creating something for a client who will have their own ideas and requirements for the job, whether they are an outside customer or your employer.

While areas like Games Design, which you can get a qualification in, will obviously require you to work with computers, most design these days will require some level of I.T. skills. In addition to this, you will need to get any related specialist knowledge for the area of design you want to work in, whether it is engineering, interiors, packaging, fashion, gardens, or anything else.

While there may be some cross-over between different design disciplines, most will need you to specialise your skills. However, with everything around us being or needing design, there are plenty of openings and opportunities for those with the right skills and qualifications.

Why not take a look at the opportunities that are available in the world of design, and start creating your ideal career at the same time?


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