Convince Your Parents To Let You Take A Gap Year
4 years ago

So you’ve thought about taking a gap year, you’ve done your research on destinations, work and study opportunities and you’ve decided to go for it – but then you tell your parents and they respond with a big fat “No!” What do you do?Well, if you’re having a hard time convincing your parents to let you take a gap year, or you’re a parent who has some reservations, here’s everything you need to know.Parents’ main concerns about your gap year are likely to be about your safety. Letting their precious baby go off alone to a foreign country is understandably scary for them, but there are a few things you can tell them to set their minds at ease. Firstly, they should know that you will not be alone. It is far more likely that you’ll be in good company with loads of other gapperswhose parents are probably equally worried about them.Secondly, proper planning and preparation – which your parents can get involved with - will ensure that you never end up stranded without your passport, money or a place to stay. The gap year industry is big business these days and there are companies out there which tell you everything you need to know and how to plan your year out. Let your parents get involved in the planning process – they don’t have to make any decisions for you – just show them where you’re going, what you’ll be doing and with whom.Another concern might be that your year out is just an excuse to go slacking off for 12 months in sunnier climes and that it isn’t really worth the cost. While it’s true that some people still see the gap year as the reserve of the well-to-do slacker, it can have huge benefits for your future prospects. Many gappers fund their travels by actually working along the way in an industry they hope to break into. This looks great on a CV and shows independence and dedication. Others take a sports gap year, where they spend a season abroad playing and coaching their chosen sport. This could look great on the CV of an aspiring personal trainer, PE teacher or athlete.

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