Career Spotlight: Marketing In Publishing
4 years ago

By Abbie Salter, Marketing Assistant, Headline

Marketing Assistant Abbie gives us the low-down on what her job entails...

1. When I was 5 years old I wanted to be…

Julie Andrews. I was an ambitious child.

2.How did you end up as a Marketing Assistant?

I spent several months ‘finding myself’ on trains in Europe and then up mountains in Peru. I then came back to the UK and did A LOT of work experience across marketing and publicity departments in various publishers between temp jobs, until Headline took pity on me (/gave me my first full-time job).

3. Give us an idea of what you do every day

A lot of juggling! As an assistant you have your department’s admin, your own campaign work and tasks to assist your manager’s campaigns. I’ll generally update my to-do list at the beginning of each day and then work my way through high priority tasks, from pitching to media and brands for partnerships, to designing tweetcards, to populating grids with book data.

4.The part you most enjoy about working in publishing

It’s a very creative environment and you’re always encouraged to learn new skills. The people are alright too…

5.The most challenging aspect of working in publishing

Put it this way, I do tend to live off baked beans and cereal for the last week before payday. Don’t expect to be getting the rounds in (mind you, it’s a good excuse!).

6.The book that I wish I had helped publish

I would love to work on a Margaret Atwood.

7.How would you advise someone who wanted your role?

Don’t give up, be willing, don’t be afraid to put your ideas on the table and seek inspiration from beyond the world of books.

8.What trends have you noticed in the industry recently?

Audio is back in a big way thanks to the rise of podcasts. People are also reading more judiciously since #ReadWomen2014. We need to cater for that, publishing authors and stories previously only found on more indie lists.

9. What have you enjoyed reading recently?

The new Maggie O’Farrell THIS MUST BE THE PLACE is glorious. I also really enjoyed BLACK-EYED SUSANS.

This interview originally appeared on the Headline blogon 08.04.2016

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